University College Dublin
University College Dublin

About Us

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN (UCD) is one of Europe’s leading research-intensive universities where undergraduate education, postgraduate masters and PhD training, research, innovation and community engagement form a dynamic continuum of activity. The university was established in 1854 by John Henry Newman whose classic work The Idea of a University is one of the most enduring texts on the value of higher education and a source of inspiration for UCD’s current educational philosophy. UCD offers a unique international masters degree in forensic computing for law enforcement agencies such as Interpol, that could be the stuff of television. It's just one among a diverse range of graduate courses available at UCD. In 1873 UCD's first rector, John Henry Newman, published "The Idea of a University". UCD is Ireland's most international university and hosts the European Association for International Education (EAIE) annual conference in Dublin.