SRH University Heidelberg

Course Details

Big Data and Business Analytics M. Sc

Course Description

The degree program is oriented towards all company specialists and executives working to establish new spheres of application and involved in project planning and implementation in the field of BI Consulting, Business Analytics, Project Engineering and Information Analysis. You can choose between an extra-occupational track (part-time) with lectures on weekends and a classic full-time study program.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

The study course is oriented towards all company specialists and executives with responsibility for establishing new spheres of application and for project planning and implementation in the field of big data und business analytics, such as: Specialists with a (business) informatics, mathematics or engineering degree who wish to extend their knowledge in the field of business analytics and/or big data analytics and to take on personal responsibility for the planning and coordination of big data projects. Business analysts or specialists who work in the wider sphere of "business intelligence" and wish to extend their knowledge in the field of big data engineering, big data management and/or big data analytics and to take on responsibility for the planning and coordination of big data projects.

Big Data and Business Analytics M. Sc SRH University Heidelberg